Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Just do it.

Yo, AJ:

     My two associates and I are currently engaged in a friendly literary competition of sorts. Not against each other, but against ourselves individually. Each of us is writing his/her own novel, with predetermined goals along the way. If any particular goal (mostly based on word counts) is not met, the other two writers will come up with a punishment for the offender. We're brilliant, I know, and by all indications, this should be a stimulating and enjoyable enterprise. Unfortunately for me, I can't seem to stop procrastinating. My characters are crying out to be liberated from the prison of my mind and be delivered unto their sweet salvation on the printed page (Damn, I'm good). But all I can do is chow down on cheesy doodles and watch my stories. Curse you, "Destilando Amor"! My distress is ever greater when I think of the dreadful retribution that my friends will doubtlessly have in store for me if I should fail. Indeed, they are cruel and crafty bitches. How I can resist my urge to be completely worthless and embrace the writer within?
                                                                              Clueless Calligrapher in Cardiff

Ay, Clueless Calli. in Cardiff:

     You can’t. Just give up… Just get your shit together, bitch. Although you hid it well, it’s clear that you know you’re good. I, of course, don’t know who you are, but I’m going to guess that you have a B.A. in English Writing and Rhetoric. Probably with a specialization in Creative Writing. If that is indeed the case, there’s a good chance you’ve considered/are considering a career as a writer. You do understand that as a writer you need to write, don’t you? Now don’t get me wrong; I understand how addictive “Destilando Amor” is. I’ve never missed an episode. (Have you ever seen “Puta, Ese Es Mi Pollo!”? It’s a true work of art.) However, as important as your stories may be, perhaps you can work them around your writing schedule. I assume you already have your plot and characters. All you need to do now is write. Do you want to do this “friendly literary competition”? Do you want to write this story? If so, do it. I’m sorry I can’t help you more, but this is your thing. No one can get it done but you. Good luck, and if you finish the story, be sure to give me credit by naming your first born child after me.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Creepy Dave.

Yo, AJ:

     My boyfriend wants me to go with him to his best friend's Halloween party. I really don’t like his friend. He’s loud, obnoxious, and makes me uncomfortable. He has this tendency to make inappropriate comments about my body. I’ve already talked to my boyfriend about it (a few times) and he just says, “David’s just joking, he doesn’t mean anything by it.” Joking or not, it’s not okay. How do I get out of this damn party?
                                                                                                             Vexed Vixen

Ay, Vexed Vixen:

     It’s fucking ridiculous that your boyfriend downplayed your concerns. If it’s happened on more than one occasion and it bothered you enough for you to have brought it up repeatedly, he should be punched in the crotch for not taking it seriously. Have you asked the friend to stop? I’m not sure if by "inappropriate comments" you mean sexual or insulting (or both). But either way, tell the ass to stop. You could just make up an excuse to get out of the party. Say you have to wash your friend's hair or you need to read the dictionary or something. I, personally, would tell the truth. That this David person is a pig and that your boyfriend is an idiot for not making an attempt to stop it. His ass might need dumping… Ew. Let me rephrase. You might need to break up with his dumb self. It’s so not okay that you’ve told him you’re uncomfortable and he still asks you to hang around with Creepy Dave. Please be sure to refer to Creepy Dave as Creepy Dave always from now on.

Trick him with your witchcraft.

Yo, AJ:
     I ran into this guy I know at a club the other night. I haven’t seen him since high school (not that it was all that long ago). But it’s been about 4 years or so. Anyway, right at the end of my senior year (he was a grade below me), I kind of started to form a little crush on him. But then I left school, we lost touch, and it never really developed into anything. I’m not even sure if he was feeling the same way. Anyway, I ran into him at the club. He seemed excited to see me. I was certainly excited to see him. Because the music was so loud, there wasn’t much chance for conversation. Since then, we’ve added each other on Facebook, but we’ve only messaged a couple of times. He doesn’t seem as excited to be talking to me as he did the other night. Anyway, I’d like to make some sort of a move but I’m not sure that I should or even what kind of a “move” it would be. Any advice?
                                                                                             Seymour… is not really my name…

Ay, Not Seymour:
     Grab his junk.
     Or, just ask him on a date. Worst case scenario: He politely declines and you both move on with your lives. Best case scenario, assuming you’re both really slutty: Wild monkey sex. If you didn’t want to dive right in with a date invitation, I’d understand. You could be worried that it might damage the friendship. You know, because the two of you have gotten really close over the last 4 years. More likely you’re just too chickenshit to go for it. Side note. Isn’t chickenshit a great expression? It implies that you’re so cowardly, being called a chicken isn’t enough. You are what a chicken defecates. You could just ask him if he wants to hang out. Spend some time with him. Trick him into falling in love with you with your witchcraft. Really, if nothing else, you should at least hang out with this guy. You never know what will happen; he might be just as chickenshitty as you are and he too is wondering if he should make a move or not.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Sitcom Girl.

Yo, AJ:

     A few days ago I promised my best friend I’d be his date to the Halloween Dance. But then, today, this guy that I’m really into asked me if I’d go with him. I was so excited I agreed without thinking about my friend at all. Now I don’t know how to tell my friend I can’t go with him. What do you think I should do?

Ay, DB:

     Are you writing to me from a sitcom in the ’90s? Obviously not. If you were, you’d know that the right thing to do is go with your friend. He’s probably the guy you’re supposed to end up with anyway (Also, I don’t care how excited you were, how the hell did you forget about your friend?). If you go to the dance with your crush he’ll probably fuck things up somehow. He’ll grope your chest. Or get drunk off the punch and mess around with some other girl in his backseat. Or he might even sneak off under the bleachers and have a heavy make out session with your brother and then tell everyone at the dance that you’re a terrible kisser that couldn’t keep his interest and that’s why he ditched you… not that I’d know anything about that. But anyway, if you’d really rather go with dead-end guy, just tell your friend that you’re a selfish bitch that has to have her way… no judgment… If you’re going to cancel on your friend be sure to find another date for him.

"Talking" talking.

Yo, AJ:

     Okay, so there’s this guy. I’ve known him for a little over a year. We’ve always been friends, but lately we’ve been talking. Ya know. In a “let’s be more than friends” kind of way. I’m into him, but I’d hate to ruin the friendship. Also, he dated my best friends sister for, like, 3 years (Although, they ended a little over a year ago). I’m not sure if I want to go for it with the guy, and if I do, I don’t know how to tell my best friend (or her sister) about it. Help.

                                                                                                 Friendship Dilemma.

Ay, Friendship Dilemma:

     Sounds to me like you’re in a bit of a pickle. I don’t like pickles. Pickle juice smells weird. Anyway, about your problems. As far as the boy issue goes, I’d say, if you’re really into him, jump his bones. I mean, if the two of you have been “talking” talking, and you’re both into each other, the friendship is already kind of at risk. It’s difficult to be friends with someone that you’re romantically interested in. Just tap that. And then let me know if he’s good. If you do decide to pursue this guy, you have to tell your friend. And really, you should probably tell her BEFORE you get all up on that. Just run it by her. You know, “Hey, how are you? We should get something to eat. I’m really into [insert stud muffin’s name here]. How do you feel about Chinese?” As your best friend I feel that she’s sort of obligated to understand. And the sister. You should tell her. BUT, if you consider the sister to be a friend of yours… depending on the kind of person she is, lover boy might be off limits.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Free your fictionality!

Yo, AJ:

     I'm a fictional character who has recently become self-aware. What can I do to escape my writer's clutches and gain control of my own life?


Ay, Micah:

     You should take your fictionality out into the real world. Set aside a day or two to experience new things. Perhaps a hookah lounge. Or a karaoke bar. Ooh, a party! Go to a party! Depending on your age, the mall might be appropriate. Actually, if you’re loosely based on anyone, while you’re at the mall, you and your writer might consider buying the person that you share personality traits with new shoes or something. A few other things I suggest: watch Pinocchio (after all, he managed to become a real boy), wrestle a bear, find a nice fictional lady (or gentleman, if that’s what floats your boat) with whom to get yo fictional mack on, drink a gallon of milk, kill a man.

Put that bitch in her place.

Yo, AJ:

     My best friend has been blowing me off. She goes to college a couple of hours away, but was in town for the weekend. I texted her, but she didn’t respond. That’s been happening a lot the past few weeks. I understand that she has a lot going on right now, but I’m feeling forgotten and I don’t know what to do about it.
                                                                                                    Neglected in Nevada

Ay, Neglected:

     Give it a few more days. If this stupidity persists, put that bitch in her place. By which I mean sit down and have a calm, civilized conversation. I doubt it’s personal. There’s a good chance she doesn’t even realize she’s being a dumb hoe.